Publication of FSS opinion and consultation on applications for authorisation of nine Genetically Modified Organisms

Closed 25 Jan 2022

Opened 30 Nov 2021

Results updated 1 Mar 2022

Publication of FSS opinion and consultation on applications for authorisation of nine Genetically Modified Organisms – Consultation Response


A summary of the consultation responses and the main themes identified in these can be found in the attached response, alongside FSS replies which are outlined in the last column of the table.


We would like to thank all stakeholders who provided their views for their consideration of this consultation.



This consultation is to seek stakeholders’ views, comments and feedback in relation to the Food Standards Scotland (FSS) opinion and regulated product applications considered in this document, which have been submitted for authorisation. We ask stakeholders to consider any relevant provisions of retained EU law and other legitimate factors (other evidence further supporting clear, rational and justifiable risk analysis, such as consumer interests, technical feasibility and environmental factors) that the FSS and Food Standards Agency (FSA) have identified as relevant to these applications. 

The document publishing the FSS opinion incorporates the quality assurance of risk assessments conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of nine genetically modified organisms (GMO) for food and feed uses as outlined in the annexes.

Why your views matter

This is stakeholders’ opportunity for input on the advice given to Ministers to inform decision making. The FSS opinions, and the views gathered through this consultation, will be considered and included alongside those of Officials in UK Government include FSA and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Northern Ireland, England and Wales to inform Ministers’ decision making on whether to authorise the individual GMOs for use in Scotland, England and Wales.

What happens next

Following the end of the consultation, responses will be published and made      available to stakeholders, the Food Standards Agency and Scottish Ministers. All responses will be sent through the Citizen Space entry for this consultation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the consultation please contact


  • Consumer
  • Food Manafacturer
  • Food Producer
  • Retailer
  • Enforcer
  • Academic
  • Farmer
  • Feed Manufacturer
  • Scientist
  • Researcher
  • Academic
  • University
  • Local Authority
  • Public Analyst Laboratory
  • Commerical Food Testing Laboratory
  • Public Health Professional
  • Consumer
  • Government
  • All staff
  • Local authority
  • Farmer
  • Scottish Government
  • Public Health Division
  • FSA


  • chemical safety of food
  • food surveillance
  • environmental monitoring
  • genetic modification
  • feed
  • food
  • food law
  • feed law