Consultation on the Implementation of the Amendments to the Bread and Flour Regulations 1998
FSS is consulting on the implementation of the amendments to the Bread and Flour Regulations 1998 in Scotland which includes the introduction of the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid. This is in addition to the 12 week UK-wide consultation published in September 2022 to consider any Scottish specific aspects that may not have been identified during the UK-wide consultation.
Why your views matter
FSS is seeking the views of food businesses, enforcement authorities, consumers and other stakeholders on the implementation of the amendments to the Bread and Flour Regulations 1998 in Scotland, as well as the potential impact it may have on stakeholders and the associated estimated costs.
Give us your views
- Consumer
- Food Manafacturer
- Food Producer
- Retailer
- Enforcer
- Consumer
- Government
- Food Industry
- Public Health Practitioner
- Local Authority
- Scientist
- Researcher
- Academic
- University
- folic acid fortification
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