Official Controls of shellfish purification systems: Guidance for Local Authority Officers

Closed 5 Jan 2018

Opened 23 Nov 2017


Local Authorities (LA) are the Competent Authority as delegated by the Minister for food businesses handling live bivalve molluscs (LBM) in Scotland.  This includes businesses which purify LBM as required by EU law.  

It is the responsibility of the food business operator (FBO) to ensure their product is safe.  Classifications are awarded by Food Standard Scotland (FSS) according to the FSS Protocol for Classification of shellfish areas.  LBM harvesting areas are classified by monitoring the levels of E.Coli in shellfish flesh. 

Treatment processes are specified according to the classification status of the area.  LBM is required to meet category 'A' quality before being placed on the market.  Category 'B' product must be subject to purification (depuration) to meet category 'A' requirements, or cooked.

Why your views matter

We have now prepared draft guidance for shellfish purification systems which is intended to assist both LA and food businesses in order to assist the approval and inspection process.  Before finalising this guidance we would like to invite comments prior to publication.  Our intention is to publish early in the new year.

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  • Local Authority


  • enforcement