Consultation Hub

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Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Open Consultations

  • Regulation 2019/1793 on increased import controls of certain food and feed of non-animal origin (Review 4)

    Food Standards Scotland (FSS) is conducting a review of the food and feed commodities contained within the Annexes to Commission Implements (EU) Regulation 2019/1793 as amended by The Official Controls (Import of High Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin) Amendment (Scotland) (No. 2)...

    Closes 9 April 2025

  • Local Authority Audit - Feedback Survey.

    Your Local Authority was recently audited by Food Standards Scotland’s Audit Assurance Team. We would like you to tell us about your experience with the Audit to help us ensure that the Audits are carried out in the future in the most effective way possible. We would very much appreciate...

    Closes 31 July 2026

Closed Consultations

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked if a model transferring competency with an ability to delegate would achieve the expected benefits, of addressing identified weaknesses and establishing a sustainable process for future feed law delivery, outlined in the consultation document.

You said

A model transferring competency with an ability to delegate would be beneficial.

Any future model would need to be adequately and sustainably resourced; support the maintenance of skills and knowledge of officers delivering official controls; provide consistency to the feed sector and maintain the benefits of local knowledge.

We did

FSS continues to work with stakeholders through an Implementation Group and other mechanisms to develop the infrastructure to deliver the new model.

We asked

FSS asked respondents for their views on the newly developed guidance on Food Traceability, Withdrawals and Recalls within the UK Food Industry.

You said

Respondents were broadly supportive of the guidance and supporting tools.  Comments received from respondents on the type of information that they wish to see included in the quick reference guide which would support the overarching guidance document.

We did

Consultation responses were used to refine our final guidance document which was published on 12th March 2019.  Quick reference guide currently being produced taking into account the comments received as part of the consultation responses.

We asked

For views on the new legislation which will provide for centralised delivery of feed official controls 

You said

Please see consultation responses

We did

We considered all views and shall amend the legislation to allow full transfer of competence